The new Apex Pro Bol bars are typical of what Apex Pro stands for - high quality, pro-targeted products, with a little bit of style thrown in for good measure. They are good enough, in fact, to be named after Apex team rider Jess Boland.
The size of these bars are what appeals to most people...a moderate 560mm wide (22" in old money) and 580mm high (23"). Because the bars don't have a slit in them, they will sit up really high when used with SCS compression, as there is no need to shorten them to remove a slit. This means their true height is more like 600mm when compared to other bars when sitting in SCS.
- 4130 Chrome Moly Steel
- Tig Welded, CNC Bent & Notched
- Powder Coated / Chromed for High Scratch resistance
- 560mm Wide
- 560mm High
- 31.75mm Diameter
- Designed for SCS
- Threaded systems – slit will need to be cut